Fur Fitness: Weight Loss and Wellness
Coaching for Pets and Their Parents
Maybe the veterinarian has told you that your dog needs to lose weight … maybe you’ve noticed that your dog is laboring under the extra weight that he or she is carrying around …or maybe you’ve read about the negative impact being overweight can have on a dog’s health and you’re worried …
Whatever brought you here be glad that you are here because you’re going to learn exactly what you can do to help your dog lose dangerous excess weight and start living a happier, healthier life.
Fur Fitness, founded by Melissa Morrison, is a premier provider of health and wellness coaching for pet parents. Our programs provide personal consultations, customized nutrition, weight loss and fitness plans, and unwavering support to help pets achieve better health at home.
Our simple and proven strategies have helped countless dogs reach and maintain a healthy weight. Our personalized programs save time and money, reducing costly veterinarian visits.
How We Can Help Your Four-Legged Friend...
These days there are far too many diet misconceptions and “one-size-fits-all” programs provided by amateurs who are incapable of exploring the depths of correct human and animal nutrition.
Fur Fitness offers a solution to the pet obesity crisis with its dog weight loss program that revolve around accurate expert recommendations, personalized meal plans and genuine care for animals and their human counterparts.
For both pets and humans, weight gain can negatively impact mood and vitality and eventually lead to serious medical conditions, including respiratory and orthopedic problems as well as cancer.
We aim to prevent such negative consequences and help dog’s and their parents regain their lives with our expert guidance and professional services.
Created to be a full-service pet wellness, nutrition, and weight loss service, Melissa Morrison designs and implements fully customized nutrition, weight-loss plans, and fitness plans. Melissa’s most successful pet weight loss program, Fido's FAT to Fit™ provides support for concerned pet parents with safe, specific, achievable goals. In partnership with the dog’s veterinarian, this program helps pet owners make permanent, life-changing improvements to their dog’s overall health.
Click here to learn more about Fur Fitness’ Fido’s FAT to Fit™ program.
This personalized program doesn’t just address the weight loss challenges experienced by both humans and their four-legged companions, it also gives you the opportunity to deepen your bond with your pet and improve its quality of life one step at a time through ideal dietary and lifestyle changes.
So don’t delay, start your journey today discover how help your four-legged family member start eating healthier and exercising more. Both you and your pet could be living happier, much more fulfilling lives in no time.
Click here to learn more about Fur Fitness’ Fido’s FAT to Fit™ program.